Thursday, November 20, 2008

Editing In Sev7n

In sev7n the editing is very sudden, it involves lots of short cuts with flashing movements, it doesn't actually show the characters face, but from the beginning you realise the something is being planned.
In the opening titles of Sev7n, you dont actually see the characters face, it starts off with flicking pages of a book, then when showing someones name it cuts to a black wash then whit writing pops up, this makes you focus on that persons name, i think that this is a good technique to use as it grabs the audiences attention. It shows fast movements with very fast cuts, the opening title is very fast paced and it may be difficult to know what is actually going on, but i believe that this builds up alot of tension and encourages the viewers to keep watching.
After each black wash has come up the camera directly goes on to a new image, the same thing isn't viewed twice, it is always something new and fresh, it incudes lots of fast flashing movements an as i said before you always feel like your trying to keep up the whole time.

By Jenna


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